A sitting cane
Heights 88cm
Width 32cmm
Depth 2,2cm
Youse as walking cane
Youse for Sitting
Anker says about SNILD
“On this design, I worked with Vibeke and Karen, two women diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. They both needed
a daily helper that would quickly allow them to sit down when their legs became tired and they started losing balance, as people with MS are prone to.
Carrying a stool around is not very convenient, so I wanted to give them a two-in-one product they could also use when walking.
I was drawn to The Danish designer Kaare Klint and his iconic Propeller Stool with an ingenious construction.
I coupled this inspiration with my vision of an organically shaped cane that is simultaneously a solid stool.
It’s named SNILD, Danish for handy or dextrous, and is a simple prototype that I hope can help solve a big problem for many people.”
Product information
SNILD is made from a single piece of solid ash wood split down the middle and assembled by six brass bolts, making it easy to unfold from cane to stool.
The rounded handle shape gives SNILD both a tactile form and feel, while the two legs are secured by natural rubber feet. The stool seat is made of genuine leather, making the seat cane durable and comfortable.
SNILD is inspired by Kaare Klint’s vision of the ideal fold, seen in the way the two intersecting, propeller-shaped legs and handles form a perfectly round rod when used as a cane.
SNILD is a handy and elegant piece of Everyday Assistive Furniture (EAF) you can bring and use wherever and whenever.
EAF: Everyday Assistive Furniture
The term Everyday Assistive Furniture (EAF) is Anker’s vision for dignified furniture that applies the conventions and craftmanship of traditional Danish design to the mobility aid market, giving people products they can use with pride and hand down to future generations.
アンカーは、SNILD(スニル)このデザインにつ いてこう語っています。
「このデザインは、多発性硬化症と診断された2 人の女性、ヴィヴェーケととカレンと共同で行いま した。 二人とも、多発性硬化症の人はが陥りや すい、足が疲れてバランスを崩しやすく、そんな 時にたときに、すぐに座れるような日常的な補助 具を二人ともが必要としていましたでした。
スツールを持ち歩くのは大変なので、歩行にも使 用することのできる二つの機能を満たしたプロダ クトを提供したいと思いました。
デザインを検討する際、デンマークのデザイナ ー、コーア・クリント がデザインした、アイコンと して知られる「プロペラスツール」の独創的な構 造に惹かれました。このスツールから得たインス ピレーションと、有機的な形をした杖でありなが ら、丈夫なスツールを創りたいという私のビジョン とを結びつけることとしました。
デンマーク語で手先が器用という意味のSNILD と名付けられたこの製品は、未だシンプルなプロ トタイプですが、これから多くの方々にとって問 題の解決に役立つことを願って作成しました。」